Çemsan manufactures two type screens;
1) Gravity screen (mill, germ washing applications) and
2) Pressure screen (fiber washing applications)
Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple screen boxes are available in all standardized sizes for the sector.
Fiber Washing System extensively used for the removal of the starch bonded with the fibre.
Gravity screens are used for dewatering corn slurry or germ with the help of different angles and slot openings.
Advantages and Features
• The high flow capacity and low maintenance requirements make the gravity screen an ideal choice for easy to separate solids.
• The pressure screen box design incorporates reliable efficient operation with hassle free maintenance.
• Screens are designed to stand up to the reliability requirements and rugged conditions of the corn wet milling industry.
• Our fibre washing system is outstanding for supporting the maximum quality of starch yield and fibre recovery.
• Reduces the hydraulic load
• Little operator attention