Çemsan helps you design and manufacture high quality equipment to meet the requirements of the industry.

Due to their potentially hazardous nature, pressure vessels require specific industry knowledge and expertise to manufacture.
CEMSAN has an extensive record of constructing safe and long-lasting pressure vessels.
We excel in custom tailoring pressure tanks and pressure vessels to meet not only your specific needs, but also the guidelines and regulations as determined by the design code (ASME/PED/EN).

All Non-Destructive Tests are made internally with certified personnel. We hold certifications for both SNT-TC-1A ASME and EN 473 directives. Our personnel have Level II ASME, Level III EN qualifications for Visual Testing, Level II for both ASME and EN for Penetrant Testing, Level II ASME, Level III EN for Radiographic Testing and Level II ASME qualifications for Magnetic Particle Inspection.

How can we help you? Contact us.